I always felt like »I'm baby« and Bimbofication and other similar concepts are just theoryless versions of the accelerationist phantasy (or delusion) but viewing them as depressive hedonism is much more accurate!

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These adult babies have often been babied their entire lives. They are the ones raised by progressive liberal parents who protected them from everything, who made sure they never had to feel the pain of not being as good as someone else - something my ex-partner and I used to snark about re his son's softball team, as everyone got a trophy. Yeah, it's a cliche but it's also the symbol of what went wrong with Gens Y & Z - and of course, us X'ers are the ones who raised them. They're the ones who were never permitted to fail, with 'helicopter parents' hovering nearby to make sure Junior got through school despite being functionally illiterate and less present in class than Donald Trump was in the Oval Office. Their parents weren't willing to ever tell them no, to respect their 'personhood' even though children are NOT little adults, and can NOT make all their own decisions, and this is how so many of them got so f'ed up with this transgender nonsense - transgenderism looking more and more like an inappropriate and more importantly *irrelevant* expression of existing psychological and emotional problems having nothing to do with a nebulous 'gender dysphoria'.

As for others not approving for someone wanting, at 25, to get sterilized, I went through this myself, and the naysayers were right to challenge me, although not for the reason given ("25 is too young"). Yes, that's a prime example of how infantalized we've seen young adults become, but the *real* reason why one doesn't want to get sterilized at 25, *especially for women*, is because women who think they don't want children often do change their minds, and the magic age is pushing-30. Sometimes they even change their minds at 40.

I decided at 18 I didn't want kids and wouldn't it be great if I could just be sterilized. Everyone said, "Oh, you're too young to know that, you'll change your mind when you're older." I didn't think I would but then I read a magazine article on how women who didn't want children in their 20s changed their mind at 28 and 29. Something about pushing 30, eh? So I thought, "Maybe they're right." Well, 30 came and went and I began thinking it was time to revisit this again. (I had seriously considered in in my twenties when Robert Bork was up for the Supreme Court). People kept saying, "You're going to change your mind, wait til 35!" The goalpost moved! So I waited til 35 and was just as aversive to children as ever, and finally at 39 I pulled the trigger and got my trip to the vet. Have never regretted it since. So yeah, you *can* know what you want at 18, but the desire for kids seems to hit women *after* 25, which is why doctors are so reluctant to do it.

OTOH, if you want a too-young sterilization without a lot of lip from doctors, just tell them you're 'trans'. They'll sterilize you immediately with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

Just don't change your mind at 29.

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